CL Bioinformatics course: extra resources
I put together this list of resources for students who enjoyed the Computer Science Part II Bioinformatics course and want to study the material further or find other courses to explore the field of computational biology further.
Bioinformatics Algorithms
(Free!) online textbook with great chapters on Burrows-Wheeler Transform and suffix trees (Chapter 9), genome assembly (Chapter 3)
Biological Sequence Analysis
By Richard Durbin, Sean R. Eddy, Anders Krogh, Graeme Mitchison
Useful for alignment, including Needleman-Wunsch algorithm for DNA/protein alignment and Nussinov algorithm for RNA alignment. Also has useful chapters on Hidden Markov Models for biological problems.
Further courses exploring computational biology and bioinformatics
Course with similar material to the CL Bioinformatics course, and a focus on programming exercises.
Introduction to Biology: the secret of life
Course with more background about biology, and was the course that got me interested in computational biology and genomics.
Mathematical Genetics
Notes from an excellent mathematics course which I studied as an undergraduate at Oxford. My first real taste of applied mathematics!
MPhil in Computational Biology course
I studied a number of courses from this MPhil during my MRes year at Cambridge.